Reflective Essay
I have grown as a writer, researcher, and critical thinker during this course. Each assignment challenged me to refine my writing process, argue more effectively, and think more deeply about my ideas. One of the most significant lessons I learned was the importance of revision. I initially envisioned revision as minor tweaking, but I learned through feedback and rewriting how reframing and clarifying ideas can strengthen an essay significantly.
I also enjoyed the lesson I learned about persuasive writing. The persuasive essay taught me how to construct a good argument using credible sources, logical argument, and emotional appeal. Being tasked to find different angles helped me see the value of supporting claims with evidence rather than assumption. In addition, writing the literacy narrative helped me tap into personal experience with writing and communication that allowed me to gain a deeper appreciation for narrative.
I learned through a combination of actual writing, peer review, and instructor feedback. The forums and wiki entries also enabled me to face a multitude of perspectives, which balanced my writing. I could have managed my time better by getting drafts done earlier so that I would have more time to make revisions.
This final portfolio is an opportunity to showcase my best work in an attempt to illustrate how I have improved throughout the course. By rewriting essays and selecting my best work with care, I hope to turn in a portfolio that will reflect my growth as a writer.